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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

breakfast with santa

saturday morning was the pacific beach recreation center's annual 'breakfast with santa' event.
i continued with our tradition of taking the boys. we picked up auntie jen,
grabbed coffee at starbucks and arrived just after the doors opened.

both boys were a bit excited (one a bit more anxious) and had a hard time waiting
for me to finishing eating my breakfast.  as they sat, future scientist finn pointed out
that that this santa is a PRETEND santa because the REAL santa was busy preparing
for christmas.  the santa at the pb recreation center is just a 'helper' to santa.
scoutie seemed perfectly ok with this but i whispered
to finn that other little kids might think this santa was the 'real deal, so we
better not say that outloud. he understood.

as scoutie stood in the line next to finn, he held his sock dog, patches pretty close.

scout (3) and finn (6) with santa

when it was their turn to see santa, both boys climbed right up
on his lap.

finn started off telling santa what was on his wish list:
- lego mindstorms (he's asked for this every christmas and b-day for the past 2 years)
- knex rollercoaster
- a dog (at least he's off the baby sister kick)

scoutie shared next and although he was clenching tightly
to patches, he answered santa's questions and even managed
a little smile while i snapped a picture.

scoutie still hasn't gotten the hang of making a wish list (yet),
but he here is what he mentioned:
- stickers (any kind)
- crayons
- paper for drawing

easy enough and affordable.

he also asked for a racetrack with remote controlled cars.
this request came only after seeing the unwrapped box in our closet and
showing it to finn. it's now at my work until it's time to bring home.

note: jen and i recalled last year's visit with santa.
scoutie sat frozen with fear on santa's lap.
boy, does one year make a different! *wink*
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.