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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, February 15, 2010

valentine's day 2010

my day did not start off with sleeping in or breakfast in bed.
that would have been nice, but i've had that before and can hopefully have that again some time.

instead, i was up at dawn to run the san dieguito half marathon with my long-time friends jeff and marti.
it's the only half in san diego i hadn't run, so i signed up months ago so i could check it off my list.
(couldn't convince c to run it with me though) *grin*.

my goal was to finish around 2:15, however after the mile 3 hill,
i knew that i wasn't physically going to be able to keep the pace for another 10 miles to accomplish that.
 i've never been a good hill runner, and having been sick for the last 2+ weeks
(i'm taking my last pill of penicillan tonight), i just lacked the strength and stamina.

with some coaxing, i convinced jeff to run ahead, and i ran most of the race alone.
the course was scenic and took us through the heart of beautiful rancho santa fe,
but the hills were grueling and there were lots of them.

i often forget about the terrain we have here in san diego - mostly because i live and train right
here at the beach where it's flat. whew!! somehow i managed to finish just under 2.5 hours.
my girlfriend marti finished a minute before me and jeff finished just under 2 hours. *cheer*
we were all exhausted but so glad we spent our v-day morning doing something we enjoy!
we celebrated with high fives and big stinky, sweaty hugs. *grin*

i came home to an empty and delicious smelling house. 
c had baked cinnamin muffins for breakfast and left a note saying  he was at the beach
with the boys and would be back for lunch. it was sunny and 73 degrees - a perfect beach day!

i was starving and inhaled two muffins and drank lots of water before settling into the hottest bath
i could possibly draw. the boys came charging into the home not more than 10 minutes into my soak,
so that was the end of that. it was nice while it lasted.

we all enjoyed lunch and exchanged our very simple valentine's day cards/gifts.
scoutie went down for a nap afterwards, christopher took a tennis lesson at the hilton,
and finn and i rested on the couch and watched a movie.
later i snuck off to get a pedicure as my toes desperately needed some love and dark polish.
remember the bruised toe?  well it's still bruised.

oh and i must share the v-day rockets that we (I) made for finn's kindergarten class.
i got the idea here and they turned out absolutely adorable.

i spent 3 hours on them from start to finish and honestly,
it was a bit too much!  finn tried to help but he was a little young for this project.
he did become an expert at putting the hershey kiss tips on. 

in the future, i will be sure to select a v-day craft/card that is more age appropriate
so the BOYS can do the majority of the work. a lesson learned.

here they are - all 25 of them (22 kids and 3 teachers):

the rocket to his special girl

i hope your valentine's day was spent doing something you love 
and/or being with the ones you love. 

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.