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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, November 23, 2009

to aunties!

an aunt is a joy to remember your whole life through.

once again sweet jen answered my cries and took the boys overnight and gave me a much needed night with my hubby. i can't begin to thank her enough but i started with a chai latte the next morning. *smile*

as luck would have it, c was under the weather, so all my restaurant research was in vain (well not completely), but for this particular night at least.  we decided to make it an early evening and stick close to home. we ended up at our favorite neighborhood restaurant, isabel's cantina. it's just a few blocks from the house and serves up the best breakfasts and dinners in pacific beach!!  well i think so at least.  it's a place i recommend to anyone who visits. (christi: if you are ever in portland, isabel has a restaurant there called pearl that looks just as fabulous)

so here's what jen reported back from her night with the boys.  scoutie was easy to entertain, but finn was a bit more challenging since he's gotten older.  finn asked her why she didn't have toys and she responded that she didn't have children. he looked at her an in all sincerity and replied "if you don't have toys, then what do you do"?  he just couldn't understand how she could get by in a home without toys. *laugh* 

she used her creativity and playfulness and made FUN!  i've included some photos below of the 'human spiderweb' she made with green yarn, the fort she made out of sheets/covers and a few of the 'secret passage' which is basically a compartment in her built-in bookcase that has a passway between the living room and her bedroom.  the boys LOVED this. she said they spent a good hour hiding and crawling in and out.   

the boys adore jen. it's obvious as their eyes light up when she walks through the door.  there is something special about aunties and if you are lucky to have one (or someone like an auntie), you know this.  my aunt donna is that special person for me. she is a mother of 4 boys and throughout my childhood, she'd borrow for me on occasional weekends and take me as her 'adopted daughter' which i loved. i'm sure my mom enjoyed one less child around too. *laugh*. to this day, we are close and she holds a very special place in my heart.  i have no doubt auntie j holds and will always hold a special place in the hearts of finn and scout. (thank you jen for all the love you show the boys and to me).

here are a few photos taken by auntie j:
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.