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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, November 16, 2009

airstream dreams

i was chatting with an architectural designer at my company one
morning and i noticed a photo of an airstream trailer at his workstation.

i asked him about it and he was happy to tell me how he bought an old trailer years back,
gutted it and converted it to a little movie theater. how completely cool is that?
he said he used it a few times that way, but it's currently parked in a lot in arizona as he
doesn't have space for it at his home here in sd.

i shared with him that c and i bought a 22' tradewind about 6 years ago (pre-kids)
and spent  maybe a year gutting it and were starting to renovate it.
then we decided it was time to start another 'project' - becoming parents.
if that project wasn't enough of a life change, less than a year later,
we purchased our little beach home which needed lots of work - yet another project!

when we started on the landscaping in the backyard, we realized we weren't going to
have time (for a long time) to work on the airstream so we said goodbye to the 'toaster'
as christopher nicknamed her. our next door neighbor's retired father was thrilled to give
it a new home and take on the project - one that was better suited for a retired person.

someday, christopher hopes to purchase another one. instead of an older retro trailer,
he'd love one that was completely modern and roadworthy.

he has dreams of taking the family down south (mexico and beyond) to camp and surf together
for holidays and vacations. i admit, it sounds like fun, but we just aren't at that stage in our lives just now.

down the road i hope his 'airstream dream' comes to realization, for now he can enjoy these photos
i pulled from google images. who knew airstreams could be so hip?!

i almost forgot to mention a trailer park motel called the shady dell in the artist town of bisbee, arizona.
all the guestrooms are midcentury modern travel trailers!  so much fun.  for some reason c and i never made it here during our college days but,
we should have as it's just south of tucson.

when we get back for a visit, maybe we can take a side trip and stay here for a night.
the boys (especially the big one) would enjoy this!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.