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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

gringo gerblets, summer 2013

summer is over and before i completely forget
how the boys spent their summer of 2013,
i'm taking a few minutes to post.

they started out with ymca camps,
but those didn't last long as they weren't the best
fit for them.

we found other camps that were more focused on
their interests - science related camps here for finn and
sports and art camps for scoutie. 

finn could have spent ALL day EVERY day in science camps.
unfortunately, we couldn't afford that but he was in his element.
when i pick him up, the teenager/college-aged assistants told
me they enjoyed having finn in the class.
for scout, a handful of half days camps was plenty.
he spent the afternoons swimming, reading, and playing boardgames
with bibiana.

bibiana was the college student that we hired later to
help shuttle the boys back and forth to camps and to watch them
during those weeks they didn't have camps.  

she was wonderful!!

we allowed her to drive them anywhere in san diego, so they
spent lots of time at the museums, the neighborhood library,
parks and the beach.

even with all of that, she made sure to follow our guidelines.
and though my sister teased and said i gave her a 5 page list,
i didn't.  my list was actually a single page with things that
were non-negotiable (30 min/day in their work books,
30 min/day reading and piano practice for finn 3x a week).
she never missed a day.

the bonus, bibiana spoke ESPANOL!
we took full advantage of this. 
c and i asked her to speak only spanish to the boys every day from noon
until we arrived home from work every afternoon.  

at the start, the boys said they understand about 25% of what she said.
by summer's end, that number increased to 85%.
it wasn't important they spoke spanish by summer's end,
our hope was for them to get an ear for it...understand a bit more.
{they did pick up a dozen or so words which was wonderful}

we miss sweet bibiana and though she's back in college
{studying engineering at ucsd}, she occasionally sits the boys.

the one and only photo i have of her is blurry
{i need to get better at phone photos}.
i will be sure to snap another and post when she babysits next.

i'll finish today's post with a picture of my 3 standing in front
of ikea's in-store daycare....almost their second home. 

the boys have been here so much over the years,
the ladies that work in the childcare know them by name.

last week, i ran in for something and i asked finn and scout if
they wanted to go in and maybe watch tv, a treat since they rarely
watch at home.  finn looked at me so seriously and said
"mom, i'm 9 years old.  i'm too big for daycare.
i'm always the oldest one in there".

i looked into his bright blue eyes and said, "i understand,
you don't have to". 

though finn will probably fit the height requirements to enter until he's 14,
he's done with ikea daycare.  he's been a trooper for going in with scoutie
as long as he has.  that's brotherly love. *wink*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.