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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

nine today

happy birthday sweet finn!


i can't believe you came into my world 9 years ago today.
from the moment you arrived, my heart grew larger and
the world became even more beautiful.

i remember being so in awe of you i could barely sleep.
i told your daddy, i didn't want to miss a single moment of you.
i was literally on cloud 9 for the first two years of your life.
{i think your daddy was too}

though i'm your parent, you've taught me so much. 
you've taught me to follow my dreams,
and that it's ok to be passionate.
you remind me to share my passions openly because
everything is better when we have someone to share it with.

you've also taught me more about robots, submarines, aircraft carriers and science
than i could possibly ever know on my own.  you have such a thirst for learning
about these things and you read and watch anything you can get your hands on.

i'll never forget the evening you finished watching a documentary
on the japanese supersub used in world war II.  
the next day you asked if you could tell me all about it.
i said yes but had lots of housework to do,
so you literally followed me around for 3 hours talking to me
as i cleaned and did laundry. {you barely took a breath}.  

this is so you finn - social, articulate and SO passionate!! 

you enjoy school and are anxious to share what you learn with us
over the dinner table every evening.  science is still your favorite subject,
and writing is no longer a chore for you. you have improved so much.
and are learning cursive now, and last week you told me how cool it
was because your pencil doesn't come off the paper after each letter.

you are a good friend and seem to know how to pick good ones.
this is a wonderful thing as your friends are becoming more and
more important to you. this a reminder to us you are growing up.

you are still a rule follower,
and appreciate knowing what is expected from you and why.
{the why part is important to you as you are logical}.
once you understand the logic behind something, you stay on target and task.
your daddy and have always said your caregivers and teachers
have it so easy with you.  so far, we certainly have.

this year has brought some changes in your relationship with your little brother.
you two have started fighting more.  scout is bigger now and demands more of you.
though you fight more often, you always forgive very quickly. that's you.
2 minutes after a fight with scout, your arms are around him and
you are telling him how much you love him and invite him to play.
it's endearing and i love that you never look back.

you love pasta - spaghetti and meatballs is your absolute favorite meal.
i think you'd eat it every night if we let you.

i still can't believe you are 9.
this means you are halfway to 18! 
your daddy and i only have you 9 more years with you
before you are off to college. *sigh*

you told me yesterday you were probably going to MIT
because they have a good engineering and robotics program.
whatever you do and wherever you go in life,
go with all your heart, just like you do today.

and promise me you won't grow up too fast.

happy birthday finn oliver.
i love you


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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.