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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

birthday dreams

the moments after christmas every child thinks of his birthday.
- stephen uys

i came across this quote in an adorable book that i found at mom's
home while i was in florida for my sister's wedding
{which i will post about eventually}. i've been working on getting the
photos edited so i can send off to the bride and groom and learning
new software is slow going. i lost all my edits my first time around.

anyways, the quote made me smile because just days after christmas,
finn started talking about his birthday, which lands just a month later.

his obsession with submarines is still going strong, but he's expanded it
to include aircraft carriers so i i wasn't surprised when he asked if his
9th birthday could be on the uss midway, a decommissioned aircraft carrier
that has been turned into a museum.

once he chose his theme i jumped on etsy hoping to find an aircraft carrier invitation.
i couldn't find one but found plenty of airplanes and top gun themed invites.
i showed finn a few and he rejected them saying he 'really' wants aircraft carrier invites.


i contacted the talented jessica of paper plume to create custom invites for him.
she is the talented lady who designed scoutie's pirate birthday printables.

she did a great job, but finn's a tough critic and knows aircraft carriers alot
better than most, so we went through a few rounds of revisions with jess.
he couldn't believe the first draft didn't have a conning tower.
{i didn't know what that was...i had to look if up on wiki}

and here's the final invite:

i love the color combo and how she incorporated a 9 onto the flight deck.
since this isn't our typical backyard party, and are limited to a number of guests,
parents will be dropping off their kiddos so it will makes things less crazy
{15 kids are already coming}. i'm looking forward to a FUN group photo with
a prop i picked up for finn's guests.

we're all looking forward to his special day.

~ we are getting our first out-of-state guests the last week of march.
the boys' spring break starts that week and my mom and my niece, who
will also be on her spring break, are flying in from florida for a week.
it should lots of fun...the boys are especially excited!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.