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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

art appreciation

art is when you hear a knocking from your soul - and you answer.
- terri guillemets

grandma is gone now and i already miss her.
she may well be the only person that we can have stay in our home for weeks on end
and not be burdened in the least.  it's just easy with her. i hope she feels the same. *grin*

i will post later on some of the things we all did together but before i forget,
i wanted to be sure i posted about a play i saw last week with my girlfriend charlotte.

we met for dinner at at rock bottom and spent an hour plus catching up one each other's lives.
it had been some time and she shared so many exciting things on the horizon for her.
from there we drove across the street to the la jolla playhouse to see the play, milk like sugar.


the play was inspired by the true story of the glaucester high school 'pregnancy pact'
of 2008 where 17 high school girls got pregnant.  somehow i had missed this story even
though it made national news.

it was shocking and disturbing, yet it was sprinkled with humor throughout
(for example, there was a half hour dialogue between the teenage girls discussing their cell phones -
the colors, what they had, what their guys had, etc.) it was ridiculous but believable.

it was an emotional whirlwind - causing char and i to both laugh and cry.
i came away more sympathetic to what life is like for some inner city kids,
how prospects can be so dim that for some, becoming a mother at 15 or 16 actually
sounds pretty exciting.  *yikes*  the cycle these kids are in pulled at my heart strings.

we walked out of the theater almost speechless for a few minutes,
trying to digest everything we had seen and heard.  the acting was superb and we
commented that our husbands would have really enjoyed seeing this.
oh how we wish it had been a double date.

i later told christopher that the season tickets to the la jolla playhouse he
has so generously gives to me as a gift over the last 12 years is SO appreciated.

i come away from every play i see, enriched in some way.
it may be through the music, a visual, the story, or a lesson learned
but i leave with a deeper appreciation of something after each one. 


i stayed home from work today with my little finney. 
he was running a low-grade fever and felt miserable.
when i put him down tonight, he still had a slight fever. 
if it's there in the morning, he will stay home with c tomorrow.
i never like seeing my boys sick, but finn sure was a cuddle bug today. 
i thoroughly enjoyed it.

scout on the otherhand, is healthy and thrilled to be back at the rock preschool.
he came home today talking up a storm - telling me all about his new teacher miss heidi,
and that he got to see ALL of his friends. he sure has missed them over the summer.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.