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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

a forgotten film

a few months ago, my sis asked if the boys had seen the movie annie yet.
"no, not yet but they'd love it" was my response. 
i couldn't believe i had forgotten all about this film,
and that i hadn't introduced it to finn and scout yet.

when i was a kid, i watched the 1982 version of annie over and over on VHS.
i memorized every song and even some of the musical numbers with my bff, robin.
our favorite dance was it's a hard knock life.
it was so much fun. the orphan girls were such amazing dancers and gymnasts.
my friend could even do the the backflips (mimicking the orphans on their beds).

after jen mentioned the movie, i picked up the dvd at target that very weekend,
and we had a 'family movie night', with our staple movie munchies: popcorn and licorice.
it was a fun night for all of us, and the two small people in the house were mesmerized by it. 
i wish i would have photographed their faces as they watched...priceless!

carol burnett's performance is nothing short of brilliant!
i found her both scary and a little kooky as a kid,
but now i just find her amazingly talented - i'm in awe.
she brought so much to that movie.

i hear disney made a version of annie in 1999 and though i haven't seen it,
i've heard it was a flop and pales in comparison to the original film.
unless the boys learn of it and ask to see it,
we'll continue to enjoy the movie their momma grew up with,
the one we all know and love.


weekend update:
despite my friday am starting out really rough,
with a little patience and communication,
i was able to move past the incident and enjoy the weekend.
(i won't go into details, but i was livid with c over something)

the boys and i enjoyed our 2nd outdoor concert in point loma on friday night,
and on sunday, greg and heidi were able to squeeze in a breakfast with us (and my sis jen).
it was wonderful to catch up with them,  just wish we had more time together.
there's never enough time...

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.