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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

looking for a summer sitter

i realize we are only a handful of days into spring
but summer is just around the corner, and until days ago,
i hadn't given childcare a single thought!

i was thinking about spring break which begins next week for finn,
and was at the ymca this past saturday to sign him up for a week long camp
while his school is closed.

while i was there, i noticed lots of balloons and a dozen 20-somethings wearing camp shirts.
i come to find out it was 'early registration' for summer camps.
already i thought.....*sheesh*!!!

i grabbed a registration packed and flipped through it.
the y is offering SO many fabulous camps - everything from water related camps:
jr. lifeguard, boogie boarding, and surfing to theater, music, reptile, fishing, skateboarding
cooking, skating, ice skating, gymnastics, basketball, science, chemistry, etc.
you name it and there is probably a camp for it.

you can guess which ones finn was interested in - Crazy Chemist and Mad Science.

then i saw the prices for these camps and started doing the math.
camps start at $150/wk and can go up to $250/wk depending on the type of camp.
whew!! i had forgotten how expensive full-time childcare is for two children.
where oh where are year round schools when you need 'em?? *grin*

scoutie's preschool is open year long,
so c and i discussed leaving him there,
and putting finn in various camps all summer,
but i simply couldn't stomach (nor afford) that.

c and i decided to do what we've done the past two years.
we will find a sitter for both boys for the summer months
(and send finn to 2 or 3 camps to break it up a bit)

we'd love another christi,
but we are realists and know what we had with her would be impossible to find again.
our needs are different now, so we talked about what was most important.
here tis: he or she MUST be reliable, active, and have a car.

our worse fear is to have someone who sits on the couch and/or the computer all day.
we want someone who likes adventure and is willing to engage and get the boys out and about.
christopher said "i'd be happy if she took the boys to the beach every day all summer long".
he would too.

SO, the search is on.

i am working on the job description to post, but have two leads already from parents. 
when i chatted briefly with one of the potential sitters, the first question she asked was
"can i take the boys to the beach alot?"

i laughed outloud remembering c's comment.
i told her yes, we'd EXPECT her to take the boys at the beach and often. *grin*
i couldn't help think if c would have been part of the conversation,
he probably would have offered this girl the position then and there.

so as i settle into spring,
my mind will be fast forwarding to summer until i find a summer sitter for the boys. 
there will be more to come on this subject.

i need to go tidy up the guest room before i get some zzzzs.
my friend connie is flying in from tucson tomorrow sans her girls.
we haven't seen her other since our desert trip last year.
i'm excited to see her!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.