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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, January 25, 2015

birthday planning

it's been a busy start to 2015.

we've been reading ALOT around here,
finn has 42 books to read this year in order to reach his class'
'1,000 book challenge' {he's currently on book 32}.  i've been babysitting
for girlfriends, watched scout race derby cars with the 2nd grade friends
last thursday, and preparing for finn's upcoming birthday party
which is just around the corner.

this year he chose an usual but really fun theme - ALIENS! 
i wasn't surprised as extraterrestrials fall into the category that
he is fascinated with these days and he's already had a rocket
and mars/space party.

though he believes in alien life forms, he doesn't believe they
look anything like the the 'greens' or 'greys' of Hollywood.
still, he said they would make for a pretty cool theme.
my thought was it will make for easy decor and an easy cake for
mr. gerber. {he will appreciate not having to be in the kitchen all day}

i jumped on to etsy to see what 'alien' party printables i could find. 
there was only ONE set of alien invitations that would work for an
almost 11 year old {the rest were for kids no older than kindergarten}.
i showed to finn and crossed my fingers he would approve.
he said "that will work", and that was that.

here is the ALIEN invite that went out this week. 
cool and a tiny bit cute too.


~ and here's a funny that kinda goes with the topic.
last week finn came home and shared that his art teacher asked his
5th grade class to draw what they thought an extraterrestrial might
look like. the kids {like i would} drew traditional grey or green hollywood
aliens and a few were one-eyed or antenna-type creatures.

finn drew a single celled organism {microbe} and told his teacher that
it was most likely aliens exist in that form.  he said she looked confused and then  
knowing this wasn't the intent of the project, he quickly told her he would draw a
human science ship that takes the microbe back to the lab for analyzing.
she said she was 'satisfied' with this and left it alone.

that is literal. it would go against everything he's learned to draw
this green 'hollywood' alien.  I was almost speechless when he agreed to
the birthday invite. 

i think this kid is ready for middle school....
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.