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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, September 12, 2014

finn's movie list

a few years ago, my sweet s-i-l gave me this book as a christmas present.
it was actually part of a set that included two other books:
501 must see movies and 501 must visit destinations. it was such a thoughtful gift.

in the inside and outside cover of each of the books is a checklist for the reader
that includes titles of everything included in the books.  the reader can mark off the
titles once they've seen, read of visited that place. 

i pulled out the movie book the other day realizing i had never gone through
and checked off anything. scout saw what i was doing and asked if he could help,
so as i started dinner, he read off the names of books and i would say 'yes' if i had
seen them and he would  make a little 'x' in the box next to the movie title.

oh how he loved doing this. 

finn wandered in and got excited about the book too,
so when scout and i were finished with it, he took it to the couch and
looked through it, reading descriptions of the movies that sounded interesting.
he made his own list of movies he wants to read from it. here it is.

it's so mr. finn oliver:   

~ oh it's been one crazy week!
work is actually pretty light {my boss is in costa rica surfing},
but at home, things are nutty. c and i are trying to get back in some
sort of routine with school in session and the boys' activities.

there's homework and all their after-school activities have started up again.
soccer season has begun for scout and both boys are taking tennis and
piano lessons.  we are also smack dab in the middle of having our house
painted! oh color is such a tricky thing. *sigh*

oh and how could i forget.  finn's teacher is looking for another room parent,
and i seriously thought about volunteering until finn responded " you are too busy mom.
that's a job for a stay at home parent".  he's right.  all the room parents we've ever had have
been at home moms or dads.  thank goodness for them. {i just hope one steps up for this}.
i do look forward to attending some field trips,  finn's class has some really great ones
planned this year!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.