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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

cali roadtrip: part 2 {the great outdoors}

on our way back from muir woods,
we picked up cousins soren and ander
and headed to big basin campground.

my brother-in-law, rob, highly recommended this campground.
he grew up in santa cruz, just 30 minutes away from it and camped
here often as a kid/teen.

we had a 'tent only' site reserved, but when the park ranger mentioned
there were a few 'tent cabin sites' open, c upgraded us so he and i could
enjoy a little more comfort. crouching over in the little 2 man tent we've
had since we were newlyweds was not something either of us was looking
forward to.

when we arrived at our site, and the boys saw the tent cabin,
and finn emphatically said "we're not sleeping in that!"
of course not i responded and c explained it was for the adults but the kids,
all 4 of them, would be sleeping in their own large tent outside our cabin. 
they loved this. {we did too}. 

we couldn't have got a better site.  it was surrounded by huge old growth trees,
some with huge hollowed out cores...perfect for playing hide and seek and serving
as the boys' basecamp. there was also a giant fallen tree that the boys used for all
kinds of games. when we weren't off hiking or eating, the boys were running around
the campground like banshees having a wonderful time.

some photo highlights our time together:

~ up until this trip, i can't remember the last time c and i were so relaxed.
without electronics or the daily distractions of life,  we did what we set out to do -
unwind, take in the beauty of these giant trees, hike, and spend quality time
with those we love.  we will definitely do this again someday....

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.