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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

heidi's shower: mexican fiesta

the boys and I returned from a wonderful and very quick trip
to the desert. we left with lots of fun memories and not a hint of sunburn
{a tricky thing as temps were 103 degrees and the sun was shining brightly}.

we hit the road just after c's tennis match on saturday morning and arrived in
sunny phoenix about 5 hours later.  the boys love this hotel and wasted no time
getting to the pool so they could enjoy the water slide and lazy river. afterwards,
we met up with everyone at our favorite mexican eatery, aunt chiladas. 

it was fun seeing everyone and catching up.  I especially enjoyed learning the
meaning of the name heidi and her hubby greg chose for their baby girl.
her name will be Anoka.  this is not only the name of the small city in minnesota were
heidi was born, but it also means 'from both sides'.  greg described how two indian tribes,
the dakota and ojibwa, met at a river long ago to resolve conflicts. such a beautiful name....
with a beautiful meaning.

on sunday, barby offered to pick me up at the hotel so the boys could enjoy the pool without
having to shuttle me to the shower.  heidi's high school friend hosted and wow - it was fabulous!
it was not a traditional baby shower at all. it was mexican themed which was perfect for a gal
who lives in the southwest desert and loves mexican food!  the home was full of fun and bright
décorations, and the party food was amazing!  even the venue was perfect - the hosts home was a
small mexican casita in phoenix's historic willow district {so charming and so perfect}. 

everything about the day just made me happy and heidi was truly glowing as they say.
anoka should make her arrival sometime around september 1st.
the boys and i can hardly wait to meet her!

i didn't pull out my big monster of a camera the entire time so these phone photos
are the best i have.  {i'm kicking myself for time}.


~ heidi's girlfriends were all darling.  i met some yogis from her bikram studio,
and her boss, nicole, whom i've heard about for years.  and the party décor,
i SO loved it!  i told my sis i am going to steal ideas for a future fiesta. *wink*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.