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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, March 31, 2014

little learner

while finn complains to his piano teacher that his spring break is harder
than a regular school week because he has to do math facts every day,
his little brother asks for more schoolwork.

he started asking for nightly spelling tests a few weeks ago,
{i must take a photo of one and share}.  he also asked his daddy to
teach him to add triple digit numbers and 'to carry' numbers.
his older friend knows how to do this and he wants to learn too.

just before spring break, c picked up this 2nd grade workbook
for scout so he could learn new concepts during his time off school.
it was the best purchase we've made all month. he was so ready for it.

the first thing he does when he wakes up is either play the piano
OR he jumps up to a stool in the kitchen and starts in his workbook.
as i prepare breakfast, he anxiously shows me what's he's working on,
and has me check his work. since getting the book last Monday,
he is almost done with it.  there are just a few more pages left!

it took some coaxing some days last week to get him out the door to play.
he told me "i know i need to exercise, but i just love doing math."
{he takes after his father in this...not his momma}

i came home from work yesterday, and there he was
sitting at the counter, working away in his book.

scout, age 6


because finn is so social and verbal about his passions,
some don't know that scout is truly our more 'studious' son.
maybe it's his age, but he likes to be assigned homework...
no matter what the subject. the kid just loves to learn.

in the recent parent/teacher conference, his teacher made this observation.
she said "i'm so curious what scout will chose to study in college
because he literally likes so many subjects.  she asked us to look her
up after he graduates high school and i promised her we would.
{this blog entry will officially be my reminder}.

in time, scout may develop more specific interests like his big brother,
but for now, this sweet six year old is excited about learning everything
and that makes his mom excited too.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.