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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, February 21, 2014

mexico trip part 2: sayulita and beyond

the first night we arrived in mexico was one of my most memorable evenings.
maybe it was because i was in such need of downtime.

we walked from our villa through the town of sayulita taking it all in and
familiarizing ourselves with the place that would be our home for the next week.

we ended up at the beach and spent a good hour walking along the water's edge
and talking about how quick of a trip it was but how it felt like a world away.
the boys trailed behind us playing swords with driftwood they had picked up
along the way.

just before the sun set, we stumbled on a casual restaurant that that had low slung
wooden tables and chairs set out right on the sand.  the chairs were set up around a
a fire which was important  as we needed fire/smoke to keep the mosquitos away.
we had forgotten tropical climates have BUGS at dusks. yikes!
{i reminded c we really are spoiled in san diego.  they aren't even a thought}
after that night, i was sure not to be outside at dusk without deet in hand.   

c and i enjoyed margaritas and the boys had their first fanta of the trip, a special
treat reserved for vacations to mexico.

we decided to do the most adventurous activity first - ziplining!

only in mexico {or other countries with less regulations} will kids as small as ours be
allowed to do this, so we take full advantage of it.  in the u.s., there is always an age and/or
height requirement but not in mexico...or at least where we went.

the boys remembered ziplining well from our last trip two years ago.
they were just 4 and 8 and i was a bit concerned about them.
mostly because i was afraid - it was my first time and i'm afraid of heights.
they had a choice and both decided to go and they ended up loving it.

they had it easy too as they ended up being carried from line to line,
on the shoulders of two young 20 something guides because they couldn't hike
as fast as the rest of the group.  we were sure to tip them very well.

when we arrived this time, one of the guides was still there and remembered the boys.
they meet thousands of people doing tours but my guess is they remembered the boys
because they had carried them. i assured them this year, they'd be fine walking.
and they were.

this time, the guides talked some of us veterans {repeat zipliners} into doing some crazy
stunts during our time on the cables.  christopher, scout and finn flew like superman - basically
laid on their backs and put their hands out.  i modified this to not hanging upside down but just opening my arms out wide.   

we bought the video tape of it all, and though it's much too long to share here,
i will share a few photos from our ziplining adventure!

someday we plan to be back, but until then, we have memories and a dvd to
help us remember our adventure of flying through the air above the canopies.

the evenings all ended the same way every night.
we'd all walk out of our little villa down the dirt roads to find a restaurant.
one evening we found a restaurant that overlooked the main square in town.
{and by town, we could walk end to end in about 15 minutes}.
scout and finn were happy to find pasta on the menu.

while c and i met a nice couple from washington state and shared travel stories
{and book recommendations}, the boys read their harry potter books that they
carried with them to dinner every night.

one of our nightly walks to dinner

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.