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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, January 27, 2014

finn is ten!

this beautiful blonde boy blessed our lives 10 years ago today.
he opened our hearts and minds to a joy and life we had never known,
and we wondered {and still do}, how we got so lucky to have the privilege
of raising him.  we feel honored and understand being parents is the most
important job we will ever have. 

finn, since you read my blog regularly now, i'm going to address this next
part to you. and as tradition goes, here are TEN that are special about you,
birthday boy!

1. You have SO much passion. 
Your dad and I got a glimpse of this when you were just a baby.  Before you could hold your head up, you preferred to be face forward in the baby bjorn, instead of facing in, so you could see what was going on.  You walked at 9 months old and were running at 12 months!  You charge through life the same way - learning everything you can and loving people all along the way.  Your father and i hope you never lose your zest for life!

2.  You still love science, and now SPACE has captured your attention.
Your favorite programs are still Nova and the Discovery channel, and you've discovered kerbel space program,
a computer game that lets you build and launch rockets into space.  You are especially interested in Mars and rovers, curiosity that is there collecting data.  {you even named your stuffed dog Spirit, after another rover}

3. You are a reader. 
For years it seemed you preferred technical manuals to novels,
but we don't think that's the case anymore.  You discovered the 39 Clues series last year and it seemed turned you on to fiction which was a nice change {your teacher even encouraged it}.
Now, you are devouring the Harry Potter series right now and don't go anywhere in the car without a book in hand. 

4. You are a good friend. 
You've made friends in Kindergarten who are still your closest pals.   We've never heard an unkind word about any of these boys and whenever an issue might come up, you talk about it with your friends and resolve it together.   It's a skill that will benefit you your entire life.

6. You aim high. 
You want to do well, not just for your parents and teachers, but for yourself.  You talk about college often, and after watching a documentaries on robotics with engineers from MIT and Caltech, you've put these universities at the top of your list.  You tell us you aren't sure if you want to be an engineer or a scientist but we remind you, there is still time to decide. {Your father and I just hope you'll be able to get some type of scholarship} Whew! 

7. You are responsible
You are still a rule follower and from early on seemed wise beyond your years.
At 2 years old at preschool, you wouldn't go outside to play unless you had your sun hat on.  Your teachers loved it and commented to me that you helped them remember when they'd forget.  Today, you reassure sitters about helping them navigate the evenings after your dad and I leave the house for date night.  You make everyone's job easier finn, and your parents, teachers and sitters appreciate that so much.  Because you are so responsible and so good with people, you are a natural born leader.

8. You are the best big brother. 
Your father and I have had countless conversations about why you were first and it's as if you were meant to be born first.  You are a natural leader and you protect, nurture, and teach Scout so much.  You boys do fight, but you are quick to forgive your brother and move on.  I often see you with your arm around Scoutie when you are walking side by side.  Scout is so proud to be your little brother. I hope you two remain close all your lives.

9. You are 50 inches tall and weigh 50 lbs. You've also lost 4 teeth in the past 5 weeks, AND have 2 more teeth that are loose. {you can't eat alot of things right now which is making life a little difficult for you}.  hang in there, you'll have some middle and back teeth soon. *wink*

10. Spaghetti and meatballs is still your favorite meal, and french toast is your favorite breakfast.  we wonder if you will ever tire of these. 

last, you bring SO much happiness to those who know you finn.
you truly make this world a better place by being in it.

happy 10th birthday beautiful boy!!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.