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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

father's day surveys 2013

i had no idea scout had filled out a father's day survey at school,
until he brought it home on a friday afternoon just 2 days before the day.

weeks before the big day, i jumped online and found one the boys could take.
i love these surveys because their answers tell so much about how they
think and view their dad at their particular age.
{and this stuff is priceless to us}

i sat down with finn and scout {separately} to ask them questions.
here are their responses:

finn's interview, 9 years old

1. how would you describe dad?
dad is kind and helps me with homework, my projects, my treehouse and lots of other stuff.
he always explains them to me.

2.  what makes dad happy? 
     being with family and getting kisses from us

3  what makes dad sad?  arguments

4. what is something dad always says to you?  I love you

5. what makes dad laugh?  jokes scout and I tell

6. what is dad’s favorite thing to do?  build anything

7. if dad became famous, what do you think it would be for?  world’s best architect

8. what is dad really good at?  building treehouses

9. what is dad not so good athe can do anything
10. how do you know dad loves you?  because he kisses me and tells me every day

Scout's Interview, 5 years old

1.  how would you describe dad?  he is tall, he has blue eyes and he is very nice

2  what makes dad happy? 
when I tell him I love him

3  what makes dad sad?  i’ve never seen him sad

4. what is something dad always says to you?  i love you

5. what makes dad laugh?  when finn and I tell him jokes

6. what is dad’s favorite thing to do?  surf

7. if dad became famous, what do you think it would be for?  surfing

8. what is dad really good at?  surfing, building forts and designing things

9. what is dad not so good at? playing the piano {i think because i’ve never seen him play}

10.   how do you know dad loves you? because he tells me he loves me every day.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.