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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

easter 2013: the beach

the day couldn't have been nicer.
it was sunny and in the high 70s and the beach was calling us.

we were desperate for the boys to burn off all the sugar they
had eaten, and i was craving sun on my skin and sand in my toes.

we spent all afternoon at law street here in pacific beach.
finn surfed the entire time...not coming out of the water once.
it took me a while but i finally caught him riding a wave, but I did.
he was SO happy and i was SO happy for him!
{this was my first time seeing him surfing}.

scoutie wasn't in as long because he got cold.
he can't quite paddle into waves yet {c pushes his board into them},
so his 'engine' isn't working quite as hard as finns which makes him
get cold faster.  to stay warm, he runs around chasing seagulls and
whatever else he can do to entertain himself.
{i was kickin' myself for not bringing one of his magic treehouse books}

scout isn't a fan of having his photo taken so when i get lucky and can
sneak a photo of him, candid and uninhibited, it's a wonderful thing!
only then can i capture him in all his carefree cuteness.
{i snapped this when he was chasing a bird that had landed behind me}

when i wasn't standing in 65 degree water cheering on my little surfer boys,
i was sitting on a towel in the sand soaking up the sunshine. this was my view.
it was truly a little piece of heaven.

since we don't belong to a church,
i thought it was important to take a few minutes later in the afternoon
to explain to the boys why easter sunday is such a special holiday in the christian faith.
i did this as simply as i could - starting with good friday {jesus' crucifixion} and
moved to easter sunday {jesus' resurrection}.

i didn't go into much detail, but finn sat and listened intently.
when i was done he said "that's a pretty interesting story" and left it at that.
i did too. the goal was for him to get a basic understanding of easter,
and that it symbolizes much more than easter baskets and egg hunting.

mission accomplished.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.