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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, September 7, 2012

fashion friday: home libraries

oh how i love home libraries!

given the choice of going to a mall or a library or bookstore,
this momma will chose to wander around a library/bookstore every time!
i can wander aisles for hours browsing and reading back covers of books,
and i dream of opening their pages in a warm bath after the boys are in bed.

my love for literature started when i was a young girl.
my parents read to me when i was young,
and i remember a special third grade teacher who read chapter books
to our class every day after lunch. i looked forward to that every day.

after that, i was hooked.
i discovered the nancy drew mysteries, the laura ingalls wilder series and
became obsessed with anything written by judy blume.
i'm still obsessed with books, and have formed wonderful friendships that
are rooted in our love of reading.

even though i will probably never have my own home library,
as least while i live in coastal california, i still dream of our future home having
one or even just a space carved out somewhere in the house for one.

i imagine the room having a comfy chair, a nook by a window with lots of pillows,
a sliding ladder to reach the books up high {i envision floor to ceiling bookcases},
and if the room is big enough, my white digital baby grand piano.
ahhh, that would be heaven for me!

here are a handful of home libraries i saved for inspiration:

aren't they lovely? i'm swooning over this built-in nook by the window.

~ and since i'm on the topic of books, i have a confession.
i'm supposed to be reading this for book club this month,
but i started gone with the wind just before our trip, and i can't put it down.

it's delicious ---- every page of it drips with southern charm.
love 'em or hate 'em, you can't get the characters out of your head.
they are so rich and full of life.  there is a reason this book is a classic.
i'm appreciating the civil war in a way i never did before.
everyone should read this at least once in their life.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.