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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

beach bums

after a soccer-filled saturday,
the boys and i decided to spend most of sunday at the beach!

we headed down to our favorite spot at the end of law street
anticipating we'd run into families we know. {and we did}
scout saw c's surfboards and said he wanted to surf with dad.
he followed that with "i might even be a professional someday".

here he is waiting for his sunscreen to soak in.

silly me, forgot a beach chair,
so c dug me one in the sand.
{with shade of course}

right when i settled into my cozy sand chair,
scout was back from his surfing expedition announcing he was "cold".
with the water temp up to 68 degrees we thought he would be ok
without his wetsuit. nope {he takes after his momma in this}.

he grabbed his 39 clues book {which he takes everywhere}
and sat himself down in MY chair. now if he weren't so stinkin' cute,
i'd probably had been really frustrated, but look at him.
he was so intent on reading. 

he did scoot over so i could sit on half of the towel,
and he did finish his chapter book that afternoon.
{now he and finn are having animated discussions about the
various branches of the cahill family: the ekaterinas, lucians, etc.}

~ tonight just before story time, the boys and i pulled out the gratitude journal.
the thought on today's page said:

i  would maintain that thanks is the highest form of thought;
and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder.  

~ G.K. Chesterton

i read it to the boys and we talked about what it meant,
about the importance of being thankful - for life and all the things we get to do, and see and learn.
and most importantly, for people in our lives who makes our lives better, richer and fuller.

then we filled out a page in the book.
finn said he was grateful he could read,
scoutie was grateful for soccer {he loves to play},
and i am grateful for a wonderful extended family,
including mother-in-laws i adore, and for a spouse
who supports and encourages me in everything i do.

how about you?  what are you grateful for?
take a few minutes to think about it, journal it, or share.

have a wonderful day!


~ tonight we also called cousin soren and wished him a Happy Birthday.
he turned 6 today! *gasp*  oh how time flies.  we let him know how grateful
we are to have him in our family.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.