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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, April 29, 2011

the L word

i was hoping to get a little respite after scoutie's ear infection last week,
but that wasn't in the cards for me (or my family).

this week the L word made it's way into our home
and i'm not talking about the term of affection that we
use with our children and spouses.
i wish.

i'm referring to those little critters that get passed around frequently among children,
and every parent dreads them because it disrupts life for a day or two.
still wondering what little critter i'm referring to?  head lice.

some newbie mommas might panic at these words,
but this momma grew up in a large family and remember it making its way
around my siblings (probably more than once) and in my friends.
my mother never panicked.  i also have friends who've gone through this
recently, so i understood it was more a disruption than anything else.

c was coaching a game (HTH tennis) and stopped by a drugstore on
his way home to pick up enough medicine to treat the entire family.
though i didn't see anything on scoutie, and c and i didn't see anything on
each other, we were all treated that night and every bed linen and blanket
was washed in hot water.

the kicker in all this, finn was educating me along the way.
before i had a chance to jump on the internet to read up on all the specifics,
i asked some questions outloud to c, and finn responded to them.
qs like how they feed, their incubation rate and how they came about.

i asked how he knew all this and he responded
"i learned it on nova science now" (his favorite show).
if it's science related, finn most likely has an interest.
this was all exciting for him.
he even made a joke and said maybe i should get a shirt
that says "caution, i had head lice".

that's my boy!
a mix of smarts and a great sense humor.

if my blog posts ever comes off as everything being perfect in my home,
this post is a reminder that it's far from that.

happy friday everyone.
i don't know about you, but this momma is looking forward to an uneventful weekend.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.