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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

inspirational sunday

after seeing the martian a few weekends with the family and two
of his best buddies, finn declared it was his new favorite movie,
and that it was even better than interstellar, his previous favorite movie.

personally i disagree.

i enjoyed the martian movie and the book even more,
but as a woman and mother, i appreciated the love element throughout interstellar...
that a parent's love for their child can transcend space and time.

the martian is strictly about a person's fight for survival and is a testament
to being resourceful...that if you have these two things, you will survive anything.
i didn't connect with watney on an personal level when I saw this movie.
viewers don't learn much about him at all in the book or the movie.
that's ok for some but interstellar is my pick. 

regardless, both movies are worth watching.
finn must have been feeling inspired after the martian movie,
and possibly feeling a little frustrated because he couldn't go on his
computer last sunday {we all 'unplugged' for the day}.
i found him sitting at the kitchen counter designing a rocket.

he must have sat there almost 3 hours....doing more thinking than drawing.
he seemed to be enjoying the process.  i couldn't resist snapping two photos on my phone.
finn was quick to tell me he wasn't done designing and that he was going to label every
part of the rocket.

inspiration can be found in so many things: people, religion, hobbies,
nature, books, etc. as far back as i can remember, finn's biggest inspirations right now
come from designing and problem solving...whether's it's robots, submarines, planes,
and now rockets and space related vehicles.

i've said it since he was 5 years old, it's not a stretch at all to picture our firstborn working
as an engineer someday, just like his uncle todd. {after working with engineers for 12 years,
no complaints by me...engineers hold a special place in my heart}. architects too.

i told c if finn could be a grown up tomorrow, i think he would be thrilled and would
hope to find himself working at JPL or NASA. he's be as happy as a lark.

while he dreams of being big, i dream of having a 'pause' button so i can just sit
and watch him a little bit enjoy the 11 year old boy who inspires me every day.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.