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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

home in time for halloween

the boys and I had a wonderful time in beautiful minneapolis and
i can hardly wait to sit down sometime this weekend to
look through the photos we took and to post about our time there.
our days were filled to the rim with activities and family.
more to come....

while we were away, the boys missed a few halloween parties and were
very concerned we wouldn't arrive home in time to go trick or treating.
i assured them we would be.

the boys are more than ready - been counting down the days since we've
been home.  they have their costumes hung neatly in their closet and have
tried them on a few times just to be sure they are ready to go.   

this year finn and scout decided they wanted to be astronauts.
but didn't want to wear the traditional white spacesuits
{a good thing for finn as he basically disappears in white because he's so fair}.
instead, they wanted to wear orange flight suits which are cool too.
i couldn't find them locally, so i ordered them online.

once they chose their costumes, they asked me to dress to their theme.
i love to dress up, so no arm twisting was needed. did they want me to wear a flight suit? 
of course not.  finn had another suggestion for both c and me. 
{scout too, but I didn't have time to pull that one off}

finn's idea is much easier...and i think c and can both pull it off.
we just need to pick up a few more items.  i hope to sneak off to a goodwill store
during the boys afternoon piano lesson tomorrow.

i'll close with a photo of these adorable donuts from krispy kreme.
would love to pick up for the boys and a dozen for my coworkers
tomorrow but i need to be in the office early...very early.

it's probably for the best. 
more sugar will be the last thing any of us need after tomorrow night.

have a happy halloween!


~ a coworker and mom friend of mine told me the 'candy fairy' comes to
their home and takes her daughter's halloween candy and leaves a really
cool toy in exchange.  a novel concept for sure, though i'm not sure it would work on older kids, or my two. mine enjoy their candy....even if it takes scout a year to eat it all. 

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.