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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, June 13, 2014

scout's end of the year party: 2014

as the school year comes to an end,
there's been lots of events and activities at explorer.

i attended exhibition night,
but i hadn't been able to make it to on one of scout's
field trips and was feeling absolutely horrible about it.
i let my boss know that i'd be taking a day off work to be with my son.
{and as a father to 3 grown boys, he is always supportive}

there were just two more activities left during the last two weeks of school,
and i gave scout the option of which one he would prefer i attend - field day
OR his end of the year class party.  he chose his class party.

since the party was held at a park and i was already attending,
i volunteered to drive since the teachers are always looking for parent drivers.
my little load included scoutie and two friends from his classroom.
it was tight, but we squeezed 3 booster seats (bottoms only) into the backseat of my prius,
and headed to a brand new park downtown - just minutes from the school and overlooking
san diego's beautiful harbor.

it was a beautiful day!  I sat and had lunch with scoutie and his friends before they all
jumped onto the european designed playground structures and splashed around in the
reflecting pond. 

everything was going wonderfully until about 3pm.
a father came to me with scout in his arms, explaining he had fallen
and hit his head on a metal bar on a piece of playground equipment. 

the egg on his forehead was HUGE!

because there was no broken bones, blood or deep gashes, i didn't panic.   
as a mom to boys, i have seen my share of bumps and bruises.
this one, however, was the biggest bump though and after the wife of an
ER doctor made a bit of a fuss about it, i thought why not have it looked at.

we quickly worked out the logistics of getting all the booster seats from my car
to other parents and the kids i had driven a ride back to school. 


scout and i headed to urgent care and got seen in about 20 minutes.
after an assessment by the doc {he looked at his eyes, asked questions like
when is your birthday, what is your address, etc.} we were told scout would be ok.
we left with a really nice gel ice pack and instructions to take ibuprofen to
keep the swelling down and to stay away from sports for the next 5-7 days.
{scout was a little bummed about that}

on his way home scout announced "today was the worse end of the year party
i've ever had". {the kid has only had 2}, but yes, last year's party was without incident.

i reminded him that most of the day went great.
he was having tons of fun with his friends and though he did have an
accident, it was a good thing mom was there today to comfort him.
he agreed.

oh how i love our sweet {and bruised} little scout.
i can hardly believe he will be a big 2nd grader in the fall!

before and after


grandma arrived yesterday! we are so happy to have her here and the timing
couldn't be more perfect.  today is the last day of school for the boys
and they are out at noon.  i think an afternoon walk for her and me
{and a bike ride along the bay} is in order!
hope you have a fantastic friday.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.