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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

a new adventure for aunt jen

i've been trying to find time to post about my sisters recent move to texas!
after moving to san diego right after college and living here for 9 years,
she was ready for a change and took the opportunity to start anew when a job
offer came her way.

she moved just south of austin this past weekend but before she made her
trek across the western states, we visited kate sessions park for a little photo shoot.
i have some wonderful shots of her, but as a courtesy need to get her permission.
i will share one i snapped of her and her nephews.  it was the only one where all
three were smiling. {getting scout to cooperate was near impossible}.

finn {10}, aunt jen, and scout {6}

we will miss aunt jen.
she's been a constant in the lives of the gerber family for so long.
beyond c and i, she has been the boys' biggest supporter.
when i shared the news of jen's move with finn oliver,
he frowned and responded "but jen is my favorite aunt."
i let him know that she can still be his favorite aunt.
she just won't be physically here in san diego anymore.
we can and will stay in touch with her regularly.
then he said "but she basically raised me mom".
i chucked and thought, where was your father and i the past
years?  australia?  *grin* 
what finn was trying to say is that aunt jen has been there for him
through every special occasion in his life since birth - for every one of his birthdays,
exhibition nights at school, piano recitals, skate nights and they've enjoyed many
sleepovers.  a
untie jen is like a second mother to him. 
{and definitely a more fun one}
as jen settles into her new life,
there are empty places in all of our hearts as we will miss her.
all those happy memories we have will remain with us and
skype sessions and phone calls will hold us over until we see her again.
to make aunt jen's move to texas easier on everyone,
christopher and i only spoke of her move as one big exciting adventure.
our family loves adventures, so the boys could relate to jen wanting one.
jk rowling, the boys' favorite author, 
says it so well in her book, harry potter: the half blood prince:
"let us step into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure".
here's to many adventures ahead for aunt jen!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.