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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

cheetah town

cheetah town is the name of a fictitious country
the boys created months back after we returned from
our family trip to mexico.

ever since this trip, finn has became slightly obsessed with customs,
passports, and law enforcement.  he collaborated with scout and
they came up with their own country, named after scout's 2nd favorite
animal. cheetahs are his favorite because they are the fastest animal on the planet.
{his first favorite animal is a dolphin}

this sign currently hang on the pocket door that goes from our
main hallway into our library.

what kind of country is this i wanted to ask?
as much as i wanted to sit down and ask about law #5 AND spend several
hours working on spelling with finn, i refrained and played along as i finished reading
the rules aloud, per finn's request, the president of the cheetah town.
{later i heard scout pointing out the misspelled words}

despite my request to enter without typical protocol so i could drop off laundry
to cheetah town residents, i was refused. i had to show my 'real' passport,
was detained for questioning, and i was even searched.  *grin*

oh these boys - they truly are a constant source of entertainment.

~ i'm so far behind on my posting.  at this point, i can't even begin to catch up.
the biggest news is we finally started on the landscaping.  not us exactly, but a crew
we hired and have known for years.  this guy and his team did all our work on the our
little diamonds street cottage years ago.  because of the mess and magnitude of our yard,
{for pacific beach, it's quite spacious}, the project will be phased.  with luck, the first phase,
which is planting (lots of drought tolerance plans and several trees), should be complete next week.

we're also hosting the boys' piano recital next saturday!!  after the original venue fell through,
c and i decided to offer our home since we have space. i snapped a few photos of the living
room and the instructor, mr patrick, gave a thumbs up.  this will be scout's first recital and he
is pretty excited about it. he has his song memorized and has been practicing his bow for
months now {he thinks he has it down}.
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.