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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

someone's six

when i was one, i had just begun,
when i was two, i was nearly new.
when i was three, i was hardly me.
when i was four, i was not much more.
when i was five, i was just alive,
but now i am six, i'm as clever as clever
so i think i'll be six now forever and ever
- a.a. milne, written in 1927


our baby is six today! *gasp*
six years ago today, july 6, 2007,
this blue-eyed boy joined our family
is it possible it's been that long? 

i am up at the crack of dawn this saturday morning
to make the birthday boy breakfast {a tradition in our home}.
this year scoutie requested it in bed, which is not a tradition.  

he also requested that his birthday breakfast be 'fancy".
i asked what exactly he meant by that and he explained that his
pancakes or waffle need to have fruit like a face OR be a special shape.
then he said 'like what me and finn did for you on mother's day.
ahhh, how could i forget.

but before i start breakfast,
i'm keeping with my tradition of a tribute post to our birthday boy:

- scout is a reader
this little boy learned to read at age 4 and this year, by the end of kindergarten,
was tested and is reading at a 4th grade level. to hear him read outloud will leave
you with your eyes wide and mouth open - LITERALLY.  yes, we are proud parents,
but even more than this, we love that he is a reader. it enriches his life.
he's learned about countries all over the globe as he's followed dan and amy,
the lead characters of his favorite book series, 39 clues.

- scout is sensitive a harsh word or tone can bring him to tears {or make him act out in anger}
his sensitivity and spiritedness requires us to be more thoughtful about our
choice of words and tone with him.  when someone is anxious in the family,
he experiences it in a viseral way.  this reminds us all to be aware of our actions.
- scout has a sweet tooth
if we let him, he'd have dessert EVERY night of the week.
his sweet preference would be for chocolate ice cream or oreos.
{he is his father's child in this way}

- scout is a good friend
because he's sensitive, we think he tunes in to the feelings
of those around him a little more, especially friends. 
learning how to be a good friend takes practice.
we're glad he's getting an early start.  

- scout enjoys art
when he hears big brother talking about being a robotics engineer,
scout will announce "i'm going to be an artist". i chuckle as i know
he so badly wants to have a declaration like finn, but he's a typical kid.
he doesn't seem to have a true passion yet, but he has  many interests.  still, he enjoys art
so i keep the invention room stocked with paper, crayons, markers and
painting supplies for when the mood strikes him. who knows where it will lead.

- scout is a natural athlete
it must come from the gerber side, because though his mother enjoys
some sports and staying active, i don't think anyone would call me a true athlete.
scout naturally has good balance, a competive drive, and an ability to pick things up
quickly.  last weekend he learned to dive in an afternoon.  {probably better than i can}

that's 6 things about our 6 year old, but i forgot something:
- scout loves his big brother
though they have their share of fights and disagreements,
scout appreciates that big brother finn always has his back.
he so much wants to be included in all the 'bigger kid' activities
and finn let's him 99.9% of the time.  scout currently holds the rank of
2nd in command in finn's spy club which is made up all older kids.
that ranking reminds us of the deep love these two boys have for each other.


like the poem above says,
our little guy is six and is as clever as clever,if only he'd stay six forever and forever.

i'm so grateful to be called mom by this sweet six year old.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.