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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, October 1, 2012

going commando

tonight's post title isn't about the 1985 movie starring arnold schwarzenegger.
going commando refers to the practice of guys not wearing underwear.
{i first heard it when i was in high school}

so why this topic?

well we have a 5 year old in the house who prefers 'going commando' all the time.
i think it started this past summer when he basically lived in boardshorts {i.e. swimshorts}.
my hope was the time school rolled around, he'd be back in skivvies.
i was wrong.

since i helped dress him for his first day of school, i can safely say he had underwear on,
but since then, he more or less dresses himself, and with no one standing there telling him
to wear them, he's been choosing to just skip them.

last night i was gently teasing him about it and said  "i'm not sure kids are allowed to
go without underwear at explorer, it might be part of the school rules".

finn, our always logical child responded,
"i don't think there's a RULE against that mom. no one ever tells anyone if they
aren't wearing underwear and no ones check.  it's not a least not yet".
{those were his words exactly...gosh finn oliver just kills me}.

i laughed out-loud, and said you're right finn.

gosh, the conversations that take place in our home most evenings are so funny.
there's very little reason to turn on a television for entertainment. i have boys.

i'm not sure how long this phase of scoutie's will last, but i've decided not to fight him on it.
there are more important things to worry about than a little boy going commando. *wink*

~ on a different note, last weekend scout brought him a stuffed fox named zorro.
this fox belongs to his kindergarten class, and like finn's ellie the elephant,
he goes home with a different student every week.

per the instructions, scout had to do something fun or special with zorro and
then write or draw a photo in the zorro class journal.  this little red fox joined the
family for our sunday fun day at belmont park.  he rode the carousel,
played arcade games and later that night, had a story read to him by scoutie.

dreaming of riding the wooden coaster {background}

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.