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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, October 29, 2012

birthday bowling

two weekends ago, the whole family was up early and out the door
before 9am on our way to the kearny mesa bowl to meet auntie jen.

we had celebrated her birthday with a dinner, but the boys said we had to do
something fun too because dinner doesn't quality. bowling however did.
auntie jen agreed to let us take her.

the adults bowled in one lane and finn and scout in their own.
they had bumpers set up and were given the device to sit the ball on
and it helps young children steer the ball in the right direction.
with the helps of these two things, the boys beat us ALL
in our first game. they broke 100 and well...we didn't.

auntie jen and finn {8)

during our second game, jen got a score of 125 i believe - beat us all!
{i forgot to snap a photo of her score}. next time.

as for scoutabout, he tried using a combination of jedi mind power
and heavy leaning to will his ball in the direction he wanted it to go.

a little more leaning might just help

it worked! {scout, 5 yrs}

we all enjoyed the morning and agreed we should get there more often.
and please forgive the quality of the photos.
i didn't have my fancy schmancy camera/lens.
i took these with my iphone.

~ since scoutie is on my mind, i have to share some
pretty cool news c and i learned this past friday during our
bi-annual parent/teacher conference.  his teacher, ms. lim |
said she tested him and he reads at a 3rd grade level!
{the test included reading comprehension as well}.

she told me she has to bring in special books to her classroom just for scoutie
so he stays challenged. we all want his passion for reading to continue and
hopes this helps.  us too. we want his love of reading to last a lifetime.

i can't get to the library fast enough anymore so c downloaded the whole
39 clues series for him and he reads on my kindle every chance he gets.
{someday when i get it back, i hope to resume reading gone with the wind}

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.