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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

a visit from lindsey

my niece lindsey is here visiting from orlando!!
it had been years since her last visit,
so this is a treat for her as well as for all of us.
the last time she visited, she came with her mom.
she was 13 then. she's 18 now and there's no mom in sight.
i still can't believe how grown up she is - doesn't seem possible.

as a high school graduation gift,
my sister valerie purchased her a plane ticket to come out to san diego
and visit for a week.  this trip had been in the making for months,
long before we decided to sell our little beach house.

so lindsey is here and it couldn't be a more crazy time. 
well i guess we could be packing - that would be crazier.
still, things are hectic. up until sunday afternoon i was still driving around
meeting with owners/property managers to see homes/condos, apartments.
christopher said i was being too picky so i lowered my standards a bit
reminded myself this is just a rental - for a year. on sunday, we (or i) finalized
on a place. (more to come on this in another post)

now that this is taken care of, i can focus on some fun with my sweet niece.
last night, jen, lindsey and i jumped on beach cruisers and biked around mission bay at sunset.
shortly in, we stopped off at crystal pier and watched the hundreds of surfers fight for a wave.
it was beautiful and fun to watch.

i snapped a few photos and told the girls i dreamed of staying overnight at one of the
cottages on the pier and then we took off around the bay. what a great workout! 
i think we rode 8 miles.

today lindsey joined brooke (nanny), finn and scout at the birch aquarium.
all reported back to me they had a terrific time today. was glad to hear it.
tomorrow i'm taking the day off and spending a full day with her and the little guys.
i was thinking we'd go to la jolla for a good chunk of the day.
we'll walk around, bask in the sun, visit the seals and have a picnic.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.