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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, March 14, 2014

children's literature: number the stars

for the past several nights, finn and i have reading
this award winning children's novel before bed:


shannon, one of my breakfast bunch friends recommended it.
she is a 5th grade teacher and mentioned she and her students read
and thoroughly enjoyed.  that was a few years ago, but it stayed with me.
i came across a used copy at our library sidewalk sale and purchased it.

my description of this book wouldn't do it justice,
i can only say this is a book that every child older than 10 should read.   
in many schools it's required reading and rightfully so.
the author has a gift for story telling, and this is a story worth telling.

in our taking turns reading, i ended up with the last chapter last night
and got so choked up, finn had to take over for me.  the subject matter is
heavy, but the author keeps the story simple as it's all from annmarie,
a 10 year old girl's perspective.

before i read this book, i knew nothing about the german occupation of denmark,
and how kind and brave the people of this little northern european country were.
i also learned how instrumental sweden was in saving thousands of danish jews. 
it's amazing what they did.  i won't give away but it was so inspiring,
i sent a text to my my swedish coworker that night,  telling her i am grateful for
her swedish ancestors.  they did great things!

number the stars is a book that won't soon be forgotten.
it will have a permanent home in our library.
i look forward to introducing to scoutie in a few years.
{it's not recommended for children's younger than 10}

while finn and i finished this book last night, 
scout finished the 2nd book from the chronicles of narnia series.

if you were wondering about the harry potter series he'd been reading.
he finished the final book last weekend - the very last of 7!

scout, age 6 {completed last book of the HP series}

i think he was a little disappointed there weren't more books. 
he grew to love harry, hermoine, ron, dumbledore and hagrid.
they became household names and breadsticks often became wands
at the dinner table. it seemed there were daily discussions about spells,
muggles and what life would be like if they were wizards at hogwarts. 

i don't think it will be just the boys who are going to miss harry potter and
his posse.  christopher and i grew to love them all too.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.