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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

green machines: st patrick's day run 2014

this past weekend was literally non-stop.
but if you ask the boys the BEST part of their weekend was,
it was our annual st. patty's day race on mission bay.

participants in this race have a choice of doing 6 or 2 miles.
the latter is full of parents with strollers and young kids running
along side. this is the one i've been doing since scout a baby.

c and i were out pretty late the evening before at explorer's
annual art from the heart event and we overslept sat am.
we didn't make it to the starting line by 8am, but it worked out
as the 6 miler racers were lining up just 15 minutes after.
we lined up with them and shot off at the sound of the bullhorn.
it was actually much more fun to start off with this group as
they had much more energy and were more serious runners.

before the race


as the 6 mile runners headed to fiesta island to run to run another
5 miles, the boys and i took a u-turn on the bay to stay on course
for the 2 mile run.

c had parked the car and caught up with us about halfway into the run. 
he and finn ran ahead as they were faster than scoutie.  when we all met
up at the end, finn reported he didn't stop once during the run.
{this means in a few years he can run the 6 mile with me !}
scout did great too, stopping just once for a quick drink of water.

c and i were so proud of the boys and they were proud of themselves.
i'm so glad i continue this tradition that i started so many years ago.
i reminds me to take care of myself so we can continue do do this
in the years to come.

this was finn's 6th race {he started at age 5}, and scout's 2nd,
though he will say it's his 3rd race.
{he counts me pushing him in the stroller years ago} *grin*

and as we all walked back to the car together, i couldn't resisst snapping a photo of my three.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.