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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

purple chipmunks

the purple chipmunks played their first game this past sunday.
i learned this was the name of scout's soccer team as i was throwing
his purple jersey into his soccer bag.  i try to get everything in one place
so that we don't rush around like crazy when it comes time for a game. 

purple chipmunks i asked trying to visualize what one would look like.
scout quickly shared that wasn't the name HE voted on.  he wanted purple pythons
but his team voted and this name won out.  i don't think the name will evoke fear
in their opponents but i don't think most 6 and 7 year olds think about....yet.

we almost didn't make it to his first game on sunday.
aunt jen texted c and i at 3pm {game time} asking where we were. she was at the field.
c nor i had checked our cell phones all day as we were busy with house projects all morning.
as fast as we could move, we dressed scout, grabbed a few waters, chairs and
drove to the field which was 10 minutes away - whew!

the purple chipmunks won their first game and scout was all smiles.

scoutie's almost a head shorter than the boys on his team
the past weekend seemed to be a weekend for scout.
before finn's birthday party, he had been asking to have some
of his friends over so i decided to invite a few families from his
classs over that we wanted to get to know better.  we chatted, ate and
then gathered in the backyard to watch dennis the menace,
an old family favorite of ours.  it was a great choice for the age group,
and kids and parents both had a great time.   
one of the families that were over mentioned they were swapping their
san diego home with a french family this summer for 2 weeks.
they are using home exchange to do it, and are super excited about it.
i LOVE the idea of doing this and am going to look into it for our family.
maybe one summer we can do the same. i'm the the perfect candidate for
something like this - i have no qualms about opening up our home to strangers!

and i'll end with a photo of the boys i took a week or two ago.
i came home from work one evening to find the boys in the garage working
with an AXE and a SAW.  their dad was letting them "get used to working with tools",
not a bad thing with supervision, but this is the perfect example of how mom and dads
parent differently.  i could only picture an accident waiting to happen - a sawed off finger
or toe.  {finn didn't even have shoes on}.

i learned they had been sawing and hammering away the last hour and though
they were having a blast, i calmly asked the boys to put the tools away and come inside.

in the meantime, i let christopher know playing with dangerous tools is something
that should be done when i'm not in site.  {sometimes it's better i be left in the dark}  

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.