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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, July 31, 2017

wonder: coming to theaters soon

three years ago, when finn was a 5th grader, he excitedly told me about
a book his teacher was reading aloud in class.  up until that point, there were
very few books that would excite finn, beyond harry potter or technical books
that related to space aircraft, so i listened attentively. he told me the book was
titled, wonder. i knew this book was special because finn talked about it for a
good half hour. i was intrigued at the story, the message it taught and decided
to purchase the audible book for our upcoming 5 hour road trip to phoenix
{10 hours roundtrip}.

scout prefers reading over listening and when finn said "mom we HAVE to have a copy
for our home library, i purchased one. scout read the entire book during that trip, and
despite finn having had the story read aloud to him just a few months earlier, he was
happy to listen to the book with me. for the entire trip, we had headphones in one ear
{c provided me with a 'splitter' to allow this}.  we laughed, cried and cheered as we
were pulled into the story of auggie pullman, a 5th grade boy who was born with a
genetic disorder known as treacher collins syndrome. i think now i was the only one
who cried while listening during that roadtrip, but we all loved the story. several teacher
friends have told me wonder has become required reading for many 5th grade classrooms,
and it's no surprise to me. it's one of our favorite books to give as a birthday gift.

i just learned the movie version will be out this fall. the boys and i watched the trailer
last night and WOW! the movie appears to be well casted with jacob tremblay starring as
as the main character, auggie, and owen wilson and julia roberts plaing his parents.   

we are anxiously looking forward to the film, and if it's even half as good as the novel,
it will be time and money well spent.  njoy the trailer and if you haven't read the book,
i encourage you to read it before the movie comes out. you'll see why this book is loved
by children, parents and teachers. just don't forget the tissues when you hit the theaters
this november. {you'll need 'em}

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.