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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

it's summertime

summertime is in full swing which means our cars are full of sand,
bottles of sunscreen are strewn everywhere, and cherries fill our fridge.
it's pretty typical and now that finn and scout are too old for a summer sitter,
the boys have been spending their days reading, with friends or at camps.

finn started jr. lifeguards last week!  he spent 4 hours at the beach or bay
every day learning about water safety, exercising {think bootcamp for kids},
and doing lots of water sports: swimming, snorkeling, kayaking, paddle boarding
and surfing. the most anticipated event is the jump off the pier! he's very excited
about this.  

he comes home almost daily with sore abs, arms and legs.
he even has some friends from school in his group, well some friends who are 'girls',
but god forbid they be called 'girlfriends'. *wink*

he's having a blast, learning a lot, and being active so his dad and i are happy.
so happy, we've decided jr. guards is something we plan on having the boys do
every summer until they are 16 and ready for their first job. since it's 6 weeks long
for older kids, it keeps them busy for half of their summer.

here are two photos c took with his phone last week.
the group photo shows finn with all the kids. they all come together on the grass every
morning for their daily workout, then they split off with their instructors for the rest of
the day's activities.  finn surfed a few afternoons and c snapped this as he was coming in to shore.

because scout is a jr. grommet, his camp is just 2 weeks long. at age 9, he goes for 6 weeks.
we signed him up for a later camp which will be in august, so he has been staying busy
with play dates and soccer practices, and he has a soccer camp lined up in 2 weeks.
if he had his way, he'd be in a soccer camp every day all day.
{it's his true passion...this and reading}

in the meantime, c 's been setting up play dates left and right, hosting kids at the house and
dropping scout off at friends' homes.  he's got the phone numbers to every parent of
every friend the boys play with in his cell, and doesn't hesitate to call them. he doesn't expect
me to d all the scheduling, he does it right along side...more so actually since he works it all
around this work and meetings schedule. he's a total renaissance dad and for this we all grateful.

this week, our little gerber is spending full days in balboa park attending Extreme Forts
camp organized though campfire san diego. he spends his days building cool forts, hiking,
swinging from ropes, doing archery and on his last day, he will roast marshmallows. 
he comes home filthy every afternoon, but happy as a lark and ready for bed by 8:00pm.

so that's what's our gerblets have been up to. i remind them that they are pretty lucky to live
in san diego where the weather is near perfect and they get to be jr. lifeguard. it's pretty cool.

here's to a wonderful summer!

~ scout came home from camp thrilled that he knew his camp counselor, aka as twig. 
apparently, all the counselors get to make up a nature name for themselves.  *love this*
 'twig' is the big brother of one of his buddies. he is a high tech high student
and would walk his little brother to class every day which is how scout met him. 
scout was pretty pleased he was remembered by this big kid. oh it's such a small world it is,
and yes, a beautiful one too.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.