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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

potty mouth

poopy face
you farted
look at my penis
- scout gerber 

these are a just a handful of the words that come
out of my 4 year old's mouth these days.
yes, my child can have a potty mouth.

grammy barby might remember from her last visit
{i certainly do} 

just look at this kid. he looks so innocent doesn't he.

don't let his sweet smile fool you.

he is obsessed with potty talk!
he thinks it's hilarious and encourages big brother to join in
{finn knows better but on occasion he can't resist}.

i know this is common among preschool and kindergarten aged boys.
they are discovering their bodies and their language is vast now
compared to a year or two ago.

what i'm not sure of it exactly how to nix it,
since i don't have tons of experience to draw upon.
{for whatever reason, finn didn't have much of a potty mouth}

c and i are trying not to make a big deal about it,
keeping poker faces instead of giggling or getting upset,
and reminding him that type of language is inappropriate.
{but some days are more challenging than others}.

after consulting with a mommy friend to get her take,
i went digging for some articles to see what experts had to say too -
about little boys and their potty mouths.

i found this article and have committed it to memory.
now when my little guy starts up with the potty talk,
i'll have some new techniques up my sleeve. 

oh the joys of being a mother.
{and the challenges only get bigger from here}


~ i cheated tonight.
i started this post last week when scout was running around the
house with no clothes on asking who wanted to see his butt crack.
{i'm serious}. good and bad, it all needs to be recorded.

i have so much i wanted to post about the weekend,
but that will come later.  the BIG news revolves around my father-in-law {john}
he went in for a quadruple bypass today...just weeks after he retired. *sigh*

the good news is, we are looking at this as a blessing in disguise in a sense.
this surgery most likely will prevent any heart attacks which would have
kept him from fully enjoying retirement {his adoring family and lots o' golf}.

we heard word back the surgery went well.
he will be down for a few weeks as he heals.
between his wife sheila, and then trevor and hopefully heidi going out to mn,
he will be well cared for.

he's been in our thoughts and prayers all day...

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.