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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

hands on a hardbody

my post title caught your attention didn't it?

it's the title of a musical that opened at the la jolla playhouse this week.
this picture was on the advertisement that arrived in my mailbox.

what's unique about the LJPH is that every
play performed here is an original and new work.
you won't find les miserables, cats, or mama mia showing here.

so my first thought after seeing this picture was
the production was going to be some type of footloose musical -
full of young studly cowboys dancing and singing on stage. 

as i sat reading the program before the show started,
i learned it was anything but. 
the story is based on a documentary about real people
who enter a contest put on by a car dealership as a way
to gain publicity and sell cars.

in a small town of texas,
24 contestants {whose names are pulled from a hat}
have to keep their hands on a truck, the hardbody.
whomever does it the longest, drives home with it.

typically this contest can last up to 4 days,.
it's a crazy concept to most {me included}
wanting a truck so badly to endure sleep deprivation.

a group of creative talents found the story so interesting,
they brought it to life again on a stage.

i experienced a whirlwind of emotions - sadness, shock, laughter,
awe, anger, and happiness as i learned of each character's motivations
for entering the contest.  the audience learns their story through music.  
and not just typical broadway showtune music.
this production had such a variety: rock, bluegrass, gospel, r and b,
ballads, and yes, a few showtune-like songs. 

the la jolla playhouse did it again - Fresh and Fantastic theater!


~ been a busy week at the gerber casa.
i met with my book girlies on monday night,
and i've been doing tons of kid shuttling because c's been busy with tennis.
HTH's season ends next week and the boys have had matches every night
this week.  wed pm was the first time he's been free in 2 weeks which is
why we were able to have a date night. he's enjoying every minute of it.

tomorrow our dear friends jen and michael and their 2 little boys will
be visiting for the weekend. since my pack n play days are over, 
i borrowed one from a coworker and c set it up in the invention room
for their one year old, george. 

let the weekend begin!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.