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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

getting by

most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted.
- aldous huxley

it's been 5 days now since c left on his trip
and though it has been a little crazier than normal here
we are getting by. {i haven't even made finn late for school...yet}.

i've received a few sweet texts this week asking how we are getting along.
pretty good i say, but yesterday, in response to maddy's text,
i texted that "i take christopher for granted"

her response:
"why is it when someone is gone, we appreciate them more?"

that's the million dollar question. why is this?
well, i don't think it is intentional that we forget to appreciate.
i think we get busy with life, and if things are going smoothly, we just don't think about it.

so maddy's response was a reminder for me to tell c 
just how much i appreciate all he does for our family and for me.
{i just sent him an email expressing this}

i would have preferred to tell him in person or via skype in this case,
but because of the time difference between us {ghana is 8 hours ahead},
we haven't been able to video chat or talk on the phone. *sniff*
when we get home in the evenings, it's the middle of the night there.
when it's morning here, c is already up and out working.

so we just been emailing.

like the days when internet was new,
i get excited when i open my inbox and there's an email from him.
he seems to really be enjoying his trip so far.
the people are warm and friendly {have even given him a nickname}.

best of all, he feels he is really making a contribution in terms
of helping come up with ways to build better schools for the children there.
this made me smile as this was the main purpose for being there.
{before he left, he spent many evenings reviewing the type of schools they
currently have and researching building and construction methods for that region}

on another note, i engaged in a little tv time tonight after the boys went down.
{not true tv time, but a movie}.
a friend recommended crazy, stupid, love, a few weeks ago
and i rented it from redbox and just watched it..

i thoroughly enjoyed it!

it was touching, as opposed to crazy
and funny, as opposed to stupid.
and yes, about love. 

it's definitely a movie worth making the time for.
and reminds us not to take what/who we have for granted.
{a theme lately}

it doesn't hurt that beautiful emma stone and ryan gosling are in it either. *wink*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.