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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

submarine ♥

my first born is just days away from his 8th birthday!

his actual b-day is this friday, 1/27, but the party will be held on sunday.
this one will be extra special as grandma barby is flying in from arizona.

finn will get to celebrate two special occasions with her -
grandparents day at his school this friday and his birthday.
he's never had a grandparent able to attend in the past,
so this is really special for him.

as for his birthday, every year he chooses a theme,
and it's always something he is passionate about.
this year he chose SUBMARINES.

this doesn't come as a surprise to anyone who
has spent more than 30 minutes with him over the last 6 months. 
if he gets your ear, he will weave in talk about submarines and 
discuss in detail how they are designed and how ballast tanks work 
{i didn't even know what they were} shhh

he will also talk about taking an entire crew down with him
on his mission to search for the lost city of atlantis.
{which is made up of some friends and family members}

i'll just let him tell you all about it:

so there you have it.
he really does plan on going to atlantis someday
{when he's older and done with college he tells me} *wink*
he's even convinced half of his classmates to be part of his crew.

since subs are his theme,
i showed finn some adorable yellow submarine invites i found at target way back when.
and he was adamant that we not send them.
apparently, yellow submarines that have a single porthole are for "preschoolers."
REAL subs are gray or black.*sigh* {yet another reminder he is growing up}

i jumped on etsy in search of a more grown up invitation.
there were few to chose from that weren't the traditional yellow,
but i did find a design and a few coordinating printables
that i thought would work from fresh chick designs.

when i showed him this submarine invite, he approved. *whew*
he liked that the sub had his name incorporated into it,
and i liked the simple color scheme. it also had a bit of whimsy to it.

for finn, this weekend can't come fast enough.
i wish it were here too.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.