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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

feeling inspired

on saturday i went to an adult tennis clinic at barnes and got my
bootie kicked by a bunch of older adults - some much older.

many of them played in high school and/or college,
but several had taken it up up the game after their kids left home or
got more serious after they retired. playing with them left me inspired for two reasons:

1) they were doing something that they loved
2) staying active kept them feeling good

these men and woman had so much energy.
i told myself, i want to be just like them when i'm their age!

if playing with these seniors wasn't inspiring enough,
i watched two guys in wheelchairs play after my lesson.
one was named devin, whom i had met a few months ago when
i was picking up finn from a tennis camp.

he had struck up a conversation with me about finn.
apparently finn came right up to him, introduced himself and started asking
questions about his wheelchair, his accident, and how he was able to play tennis.

before i could say "i'm sorry", he continued saying how nice it was that he wasn't uncomfortable
around him. he said so many kids (and adults) are.  hearing him speak this outloud reminded me that
kids aren't born to be fearful or embarrassed of anything. they learn it from someone or somewhere.
if only we could just hold on to that...pocket that fearlessness forever. 

after my group lesson, i sat for an hour and watched devin and his buddy play a match.
these guys, who were 30ish, were such great athletes.  i was in awe of them!
they were able to get to the ball to return a shot so quickly and their strokes were gorgeous.
(even with 2 functioning legs, i would never want to go up against these guys on the court).
i learned the only thing different in wheelchair tennis is the players get 2 bounces instead of one.
that's it - everything else is the same.

i left the courts feeling strong - physically and emotionally,
but most of all, i left feeling inspired by those athletes in the wheelchairs.
they reminded of the strength of the human body and the human spirit.
it's a beautiful thing.

~ i'm keeping my eyes open for the next wheelchair tennis tournament.
i plan on taking the entire family. it will be good for all of us to see that level of dedication.

 i should also note that devin looks a bit like jake gyllenhall (one of my favorite actors).
even my hubby knows i have a slight crush.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.