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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

celebrating summer

sex is good, but not as good as fresh, sweet corn.
- garrison keillor

i love summertime rituals and eating corn on the cob
smothered with butter and salt is one of mine.

sweet corn is a staple in our home this time of the year.
the boys and i just devour it.  i can eat 3 large cobs
without blinking and scout isn't too far behind me now,
though he prefers his without butter or salt.

my love of corn goes back to my childhood in florida.
my parents would go to the zellwood corn festival every year
and come back with a few bushels for the family.
with a house full of kids, it went fast, so it made sense for
them to buy in bulk. (this was pre-costco)

tonight i prepared chicken, asparagus and you guessed it
corn on the cob for dinner. this is the first time in
months that finn has been able to eat his corn ON the cob. 
we've been taking it off for him while he's been waiting for
his front teeth to grow in.  they are a good 3/4 of the way in.
i agreed with his comment "it's more FuN to eat it ON the cob".

as i sit here writing about summer and my love of sweet corn,
i can't help but think summer is almost over. 
'renae days' will come to an end this friday (the boys will miss her),
and then the boys are off to minnesota for a week.
when they return, they'll have just a week before school starts
the first day is august 29th!  

finn received a letter in the mail from his new 2nd grade teacher yesterday.
her name is diana glover.  neither finn nor i have met her, but c knows her,
and assured us she's wonderful.  finn also learned his buddy joshua will be in his class
so he is looking forward to going back.

i came across this picture of finn and his k-1 teacher, diane hawke.
i don't think i've ever posted a photo of her and i wanted to be sure i had
her saved in my blog/journal before we move on to 2nd grade.

this woman has been a big part of finn's life the past two years.

i snapped the photo at explorer's exhibition night -
a highly anticipated event that takes place a week before the school year wraps up. 
families are invited to classroom(s) to see what their child has been working on all year.  
finn's largest project was writing and illustrating a 'How To' manual.
any guesses on what his manual was all about?
it was titled How To Program Lego Mindstorms. 
he dedicated his book to scoutie.

can you read it?  

finn sat and read this entire technical manual to scout
(it was slightly above his comprehension level, but he did comment on the finn's illustrations)

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.