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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

southern shindig with my sis

my little sis flew out to san diego for a little rest and relaxation and to celebrate
our birthdays together. i missed her rollerskating party in oakland
and well, we were due for some sista fun.

we got pedis one afternoon and because Girl's Nights are always fun and needed
....especially when one is surrounded by men and boys at home and at work,
i hosted a 'southern shindig' the weekend leslie was in town for some close friends.

we ate fried chicken, cornbread and apple pie, and someone even brought bacon
wrapped sweet pickles {i couldn't muster up the courage to try one even though i
love bacon}.  we ate, laughed and played in the photo booth like teenage girls for
hours and ended the night watching sweet home alabama outside under the stars. 

it was seriously a fun night!

i didn't take a single photo with my camera or phone
{a sign i was having so much fun}, but here are a couple
from the photo booth. disclaimer: i had nothing to do with the confederate
flag. the owner added that without my consent, not understanding the negative
connotation that it has. these cali girls didn't get offended at all...they simply laughed.

~ and where were my boys during all the fun? they ran off to the movies for a few hours.
gladly i'm sure...especially after i dragged finn and scout into the photo booth to pose with
me. they firmly believe those are "for girls". since they read my blog, i spared them any
embarrassment and aren't sharing our photos here, but the photo strips of me and my boys
are safely tucked away.

i must also share that c spent hours cleaning and setting up the backyard
{and training me on the use of our new projector} so that everything would run smoothly
for the night.  he puts up with my bossiness and impatience extremely well i must say.
he loves me an awful lot and well, i am truly grateful. 
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.