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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

best buddies: scout and spencer

my best friend is the one who brings out the best in me.
~ henry ford

i am sure i have mentioned the special friendship between these
two boys before in one of my previous posts.

scout and spencer met in first grade and have been inseparable ever since.

they were fortunate to have been in the same 2nd and 3rd grade class as his class 'looped'
{the teacher and class matriculated together}.
i can't begin to describe how grateful i am that this sweet boy came into scout's life.
all i can say is that they are kindred spirits these two.  they share so many things in
common: each has an older brother, are small, play the piano, are the top in their grade,
voracious readers, love math,  are mature for their age and are passionate about soccer.

more than any of these shared interests, what's most special about their friendship
is that they are truly good for each other. they encourage each other 
to make good choices and they genuinely care about each other.

in the last conference we had with scout's teacher, she told c and I {as well as spencer's parents}
that she truly believes their friendship will last through adulthood. what an usual and
beautiful thing to say about two 8 year old boys. time will tell, and my hope is she is right.
that this special friendship will endure.

i'm posting about this friendship today because a BIG event will be taking place next
month that is causing these two boys to be apart for one year.  spencer's family will be
moving to spain, barcelona specifically.  living abroad with her family is something
spencer's mother has been dreaming of doing, so she figured a way to make it happen!
i should note, she's doing it with a family of five too {her husband and 3 children}.
they are renting out their home, the mother is taking a year off from teaching, and her husband
will continue to run his business from abroad.  

though scout and our family has known about this move for no less than 6 months,
it's difficult for scout to talk about even now.  he gets tears in his eyes and tell me
how much he will miss his friend anytime the subject comes up.  my heart breaks for
him.  i acknowledge his sadness and pain, and also remind him that the two can email
each other every day, skype often, send paper letters and possibly even visit.
the sweet morton family extended an invitation to visit next spring.

they'd like for scout to stay an additional week and fly back with spencer's dad as he needs
to come back to the states to check in with his office. i would LOVE to make this happen
and let scout know that if mom can manage to save enough money for even the two of us,
we will go and have a huge adventure in Europe.
{this trip is definitely one way to motivate me to spend less and save}

i will be reporting back through the next several months.

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.