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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, October 24, 2014

minnesota trip: part 1

autumn....the year's last, loveliest smile.
- william cullen bryant

we arrived in minnesota hoping to see some fall weather and fall colors,
and we got lucky!  thought it wasn't the peak fall season {early october is best},
the weather was crisp but not cold and there were some leaves hanging on to trees. 
ahhh - so gorgeous!  i can see why peeps from the midwest love the change of seasons.

we spent the first day visiting of our trip seeing some of the city and parks.
c wanted to show the boys the mississippi river and how the damn works. 
I think they spent 2 hours watching a boat come in and go through the locks.

from there we headed over to the science museum of minnesota,
an amazing multi-level facility that kept the boy busy for 5 hours.
i faded around hour 4 so i made my way to the 1st floor, and parked myself
on a comfy couch with a coffee and book in hand. 
{i learned years ago to carry a book in my car and in my purse....always}

from there, we went to grandpa and grandmas house for dinner and to meet
the boys' cousin, anoka for our first time ever. oh she is a beauty!  new parents,
greg and heidi are's like they've been doing this parent thing for years.

finn was the first of us to get to hold anoka.
he was so gentle with his baby cousin.  it was very sweet to watch. 
we miss her already.
anoka {2 months} and finn oliver {10}

more to come....

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.