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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Friday, September 26, 2014

he shoots, he breaks a tv

i'm so far behind on posting so i've decided to record
two things that this day will be remembered for:

1. our company's 2nd annual ping pong tournament
2. a broken tv set

our company employs a nice amount of young engineers,
and many of them have been enjoying the ping pong table that we have
up in the office for employees during breaks or lunchtime.

last year two of our guys were given permission to host a ping pong tourney
for employees and colleagues and since it was a big success, exp continued
the tradition this year.  while the boys {and very few woman played}, my coworker
tina and i got folks registered, helped with scoring/and of course taking photos.

while we were having all this fun, my three were home having their own tournament
- a soccer tournament IN the living room.  i learned later the biggest boy of all
actually instigated it.

i come home late that evening to c squeezed between finn and scout on a twin
bed.  he was reading a shel silverstein book to them and i quietly kissed them
and was on my way out the door when c stops reading and calls me back to them.

he said, i have some bad news and before he could get it out, scout eagerly
shared that DAD kicked the soccer ball into our 1 year old tv and BROKE it!
he seemed almost excited to tell {maybe he thought dad was going to get in trouble}.
finn quickly said, but we already bought a new one.


this wasn't fun to hear.
c and i must tell the boys every other day to stop kicking the ball in the house,
and this time my husband was kicking the ball in the house WITH them.
{the same man who is usually disciplined and makes good decisions}. =/

i was frustrated and let out a deep sigh.
before i could say anything though, c said the boys and i will NEVER
play soccer in the house again.  the boys agreed immediately and since I was
was exhausted, i responded good and left it at that. 

what more was there to say.

hundreds of dollars later, we now have a new slightly larger tv than before.
with an older home, we sure could have used that money for so many things:
a new front door, garage door, landscaping, the list goes on and on.

life with's always exciting, however this isn't the kind of excitement
that i was hoping to come home to that evening. 

~ we did enjoy watching the movie boyhood on our tv that very weekend.
oh it was wonderful....and so different from anything hollywood has done to date.
they filmed a boy over 12 years and the audience watches him grown and struggle
with so many things that boys go through.  it feels like a documentary but it's not.
regardless, c and i thoroughly enjoyed this heartfelt movie that is extremely well
acted.  i think i've recommended the movie now to every parent of boys i know.

check out the trailer for a glimpse: 

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.