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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Monday, September 22, 2014

bye bye birthmark

so much has been happening but i'll just record
the bigger events from the past week and a half.

after lots of research, discussion and two consultations
with medical professionals, scout, c and i decided to
have scout's birthmark removed...the dark brown raised
nevus on the back of his left shoulder. 

his surgery was scheduled for last wednesday,
a half day at school, so he didn't miss anything.
we arrived a radys early leaving us plenty of time
before the surgery to catch up on our reading.   

scout did wonderful throughout it all,
and it helped that his nurses were nurturing and
shared a binder with him that walked him through
the steps of his stay, from registration to dismissal.

here are the only photos i snapped with my phone
last week.  {photo taking was very low priority}

he enjoyed the popsicle they gave him afterwards
{big brother got one too} and he especially loved the
stuffed kangaroo they gave him which he's named bouncer.

he left the hospital with several internal stitches that will dissolve
on their own, and a few external stitches that will be removed in a week.

in the meantime, he had to sit out of soccer practice and one game
{and was really bummed about this}. fortunately, he was given the 'ok'
to play this weekend and he couldn't be happier.
his team, green lightning, is 4 and 0!

i mentioned to c it's going to be very strange to see scout from behind without
'god's kiss' on his shoulder. when he was a toddler, this is what i told him.
he was content with that until he was about 4 and then he wanted more explanation. 
according to his plastic surgeon, he should heal up nicely over the next few weeks,
and in the end be left with a very thin line about 3" long. i told him he could
make up crazy battle/survival story to share with new friends he meets.

and if this wasn't enough, he's heading to an ENT in two weeks to have
his nose cauterized.  he gets nosebleeds often and this will take care of that.
we learned scoutie takes after c who also had this done around the same
age.  they aren't painful, they are just a hassle and get in the way of his activities.
it will be nice to not have to deal with them anymore. 

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.