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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

mother's day: 2014

happy mother's day!!! are you awake now?
- scout gerber, age 6

these are the words I woke to at 7:15am on sunday morning.
i've never been one to sleep in, but i was sound asleep until two
very energetic boys burst into the room and came to my bedside.

i had barely opened my eyes but i saw christopher trailing cautiously
behind them with a tray in his hand. the boys jumped into the bed with
their hands full of cards and gifts. finn presented me with a plant he had
grown at school. he announced "i'm not a very good gardener"
{i barely noticed some of the pink flower buds that had turned brown}. 
I told him it was beautiful and turned my attention to scoutie who was
bouncing up and down anxious to present me with presents he made in art class.
his gifts were bracelets - two of them.  one made of paper that he embellished
and the other was made of blue glass beads and simple string. beautiful!

they announced they made my breakfast which consisted of eggs,
sausage, toast and hot coffee with cream.  oh how i love breakfast in bed!
it's so rare and watching the boys faces light up as they bring to me is priceless.  
scout asked if i remembered bringing him breakfast in bed on his birthday.
of course i do. a mother's never forgets special days.
{though they might get a tiny bit foggy as time goes by}

the real deal - just woke, no make-up but very happy

we briefly discussed heading down to the beach,
but with the new solar heater on our roof,
the pool was 90 degrees and i was anxious to swim.
{the ocean is still so cold - about 68 degrees}
the pool felt fabulous!!
the boys were so excited i was 'in' the pool with them.
they've been swimming almost daily since march, but i hadn't gone in yet.
we played games, raced each other from one end to the other,
i judged dives and we ate a couple of popsicles each.

and where was my hardworking hubby while we were playing?
he was working on the walls for the treehouse.
with multiple tree trunks coming through it,
it required lots of planning and tedious cutting - took about 2.5 hrs per wall.
he was able to get up 2 walls up the other 2 will go up this weekend.
that evening, we all ended up cuddling on the couch watching marley and me.
i'd been wanting to see it for a long time, and when my mother recommended
it and I came across a a copy at our library, i couldn't resist.
we all enjoyed watching the mischievous marley grow from a puppy to a
120 lb dog, and had no idea the ending was so tough. with the exception of scout,
we were all in tears.
as i put the boys down, finn told me that he was 'maturing' because he now cries in
sad movies.  a line my m-i-l barby said to me over dinner last month when i was in
arizona popped into my head.  she said "is there anything sweeter than a 10 year old"?
at that moment, i couldn't think of a single thing.  
the boys are truly blessings in my life and i try not to let a single day go by without
letting them know that my life is fuller because i get to be their mother. it's the
toughest, most meaningful and most rewarding job i'll ever have. 
i also want to share how lucky i am to have mother-in-laws who,
from day one, welcomed me into their homes and hearts. i can share anything with them
and i am so grateful for this. i am also grateful for a mother who gives freely, sacrifices so
much and consistently models what unconditional love is.
to these woman in my life, including my mommy friends, sister-in-laws, sisters who are
mommies and a sister who is like a mommy to my boys, i hope you had a marvelous day!

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.