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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

easter 2014

i hope you had a wonderful easter!!

to keep the boys getting up before the sun,
they were reminded the night before easter AND a note was left
on their door reminding them to stay in their bedroom until 7:30am.

i had been up late the night before doing what mommies do to make
holidays special for their children. i woke up just before 7:30am to find
auntie jen {who had slept over} entertaining the boys in their bedroom.
this allowed me time to wash my face and grab my camera.

the boys found their baskets on the kitchen counter and did the
traditional hunt in our home. there was no outdoor hunt this year since
there is really no yard to speak of yet {it's strictly weeds}. hopefully by next year.
later that morning, we went to the mission bay hilton for their annual hunt.

on the way home, finn shared that was his last year hunting eggs
at the hilton because he was getting older and that it was really for
'little kids'.  i had noticed that but wanted him to stop when he was ready.
with concern, scout asked if it was HIS last year. i responded "absolutely not.
you are only 6. you have a few more years left".  he was very happy to hear this.
finn followed with he would still hunt eggs at home...until he was probably 12.
a few photos of our morning.

it was a beautiful day.  the boys spent the afternoon swimming
and helping christopher work on building a platform for their
zip line.  i made a simple thanksgiving meal which we ended up
eating outside around the pool. later, our neighbors stopped  by
to relax and lounge poolside with us.

auntie jen didn't get to relax as much as she might have wanted.
her nephew begged her to hide plastic eggs all over the house for
him to find again and again. she outdid herself when he asked
for a 'treasure hunt'. she wrote cute sayings and sent him on a
hunt all over the house {literally}. he LOVED it!

i recorded it with c's phone.  if you have 10 minutes to spare,
you can watch the entire hunt here.  *grin*

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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.