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the musings of a san diego mom who loves her city, her life and her boys.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

christmas 2013

fortunately, not everyone was awakened at 5:30am by finn's piano playing.
aunt jen said she didn't even hear it.

though finn had been up since the crack of dawn,
the rest of us crawled out of bed just before 7am to
witness the chaos of christmas morning.

christopher put the camera on a tri-pod to record all
the craziness, and i had my camera in hand even though
my eyes were still half shut. 
{the mostly blurry photos are testament to my not being fully awake}

finn was thrilled with the space lego set and a battleship to
complement the aircraft carrier he and scout received last year. 
he also loved the harry potter boxed book set he received
along with a few other chapter books.

santa surprised scout with the lego chima sets he wanted
so he was thrilled.  he also received a dinosaur dig set,
lots of new chapter books, his favorite being the city of ember series
from his cousins in utah. {i'm actually suggesting this to my book group
when we get to the young adult genre}. they sound fantastic.

for the majority of the day, we sat around in our pjs,
{the little guys for the ENTIRE day}, but just before we skyped with loved ones,
i threw on a pair of jeans and the cute initial sweater that jen gave me as a gift.
she has a matching one with her intial too. they are super cute - so cute we
want to do a little photo shoot in them.  *grin*
some pictures of our christmas.

the center picture in the collage shows a box of harry potter bertie botts every flavor
bean which each boy received in their stocking from auntie jen. 

as they are both loving harry potter right now, jen was right on with this gift!
i had no idea these even existed.  the boys loved trying to get the adults to eat
the disgusting candies which included vomit and dirt flavored jelly beans.
{scout tricked me into eating the 'earwax' one promising me it was popcorn}. 
it was absolutely disgusting.

oh how i love christmas!
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San Diego, CA, United States
I'm a Southern California mom to 2 boys and a wifey to my long-time love. I work full-time and life is a bit crazy, but I strive to remember to take time to enjoy the little things, because in the end, it's those things that will matter most.